About Us
Sheth C N English Medium school is affiliated to CBSE(School code : 10202 and Affiliation No : 430221).
Sheth C N English Medium School is located on land measuring 12221 square meters out of a total land of C N Campus measuring 2,45,901 square metres in the heart of Ahmedabad City.
It was founded in 2010 and the school was granted affiliation by CBSE in 2014.
It is a co-education institute with 720 students. Sheth C N English Medium School now has classes from std V to XII. The senior secondary section comprises of Science Stream (Mathematics and Biology) and general stream i.e. of Humanities and Commerce.
Sheth C N English Medium School is situated in a lush green environment with a sprawling, impressive infrastructure equipped with all modern educational facilities . Due importance is given to co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
The school endeavours to
- Provide high standard of education.
- Combines Scholastic with Co-Scholastic.
- Inculcates honesty and a sense of responsibility (Civic, Social and Moral).
- Inculcates leadership qualities.
- Inculcates love and respect for all living and non-living things.
We are dedicated to the cause of holistic education in the true sense. The building has been designed very aesthetically with lush green surroundings and trees which are nearly a 100 years old. English being the need of the hour, the school has English as the medium of instruction without undermining the study of mother tongue and other languages.
Spiritual development is also ensured through the various Shlokas recited during morning assembly and through Yoga classes.
Human values of co-operation, sympathy, empathy, honesty are encouraged through a wide range of co-curricular activities. Nurturing the students to become aware, responsible and empowered learners.
Promoting mental wellbeing and competence in the young people when they face the realities of life.
Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL)
Sheth C N Sheth C N English Medium School started with The Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL). ATL is for grade VI to XII. The objective is to provide an opportunity to the maximum number of students with the expectancy of machine an impact on the entire education system in the country and lead our future citizens to think and innovate so that they can join the global workforce as tech creators.
We at CNEM have tried to integrate the concept of ATL within our formal education system.
The content has been divided into modules so as to help students in acquiring the appropriate skills and becoming a Tinker – a – creator.