
Shishuvihar is the entry point of C. N. Vidyavihar . It consists of Nursery , Junior and Senior kindergarten sections. While the Jr. K. G. section is runs out of the spatial bungalow of Indumatiben, a new wing was constructed for the Senior K. G. section. The school runs for 4 hours every day.
Teaching-learning philosophy
This is the stage where students pick u p motor and language skills. Taking cue from Madame Montessori’s educational philosophy, the emphasis is on formation of healthy habits, inculcation of civic sense and aesthetic sensibility. Language is mostly learnt through songs and music. Of the four hours at school, one hour is devoted to music on a daily basis. Music, rhythm, exercises and art occupy a place of importance in the day’s programme. Within the classrooms, the teachers conduct group activities like drawing, colouring, organising blocks according to shapes and sizes, etc.
Co-curricular Activities
Birthday Celebration
During the academic year, a collective birthday celebration is held for all the students. The teachers decorate the school with balloons lending a festive atmosphere. Students are treated to a feast followed by joy rides and puppet show or magic show. All in all, this is the day when every child is made to feel special. After a formal photo session with the class teachers, students carry away small tokens as gifts. This way, children from poor families also get to celebrate their birthdays along with the others.
Sports Day
The school celebrated sports day during the winter engaging the students in various simple games. This is their very first exposure to competition and team effort.
Cultural Programmes
Students’ development is also sought to be done through various activities including cultural activities. During the period of one year, the teachers ensure that each child take stage at least once – either to narrate a story, sing a song or perform a dance or make simple presentation of his/her skill.
Science Project
During the year, Science and Environment related experiments are done in the shishuvihar according to the level of children.
Children’s day - Bal din Celebration
The birthday of India’s First Priminister Shri Jawaharlal Nehru – Bal Din was celebrated on 14th November.
Environment Day
In order to make children understand the importance of environment and learn to take care of trees, Tree plantation programme was organized for children on the occasion of Environment Day.
A small library has been set up in the Shishuvihar to cater to the children of this age even if they do not know how to read but they can learn to organize by looking at the books and take care of the books as well as colorful pictures and they understand the importance of the books in daily life. Books are arranged in the library. Children can also take these books home and deposit is arranged from time to time
Student Life
Students don’t have to carry a school bag. In order to expose them to different tastes, they are served freshly-cooked nutritious snacks in the school. Drinking water is also provided at the school; students are taught to keep the drinking area clean and hygienic. When refreshments are served in the schools, the students take turns to serve the others, sweep and clean the rooms after the meal and also wash their own dishes and arrange them. Reading, writing and arithmetic is incidental and commences only in the third year – Sr. K. G.