Fine Arts College

The Fine Arts College was established in 1952 with the introduction of courses such as Applied Arts (Commercial Art) Sculptures, Ceramics etc. Since at the time when it was founded (during the Mumbai Presidency state), the J. J. School of arts curriculum was the only recognized course in Arts Education, the syllabus, at the Fine Arts College therefore, was similar to that of the J. J. School of Arts. After the emergence of the Gujarat State, a number of changes and improvements have been made from time to time to meet the local art traditions.
The institute has its own marvelous past. Veteran artist Shri Rasiklal Parikh had taken it upon himself to shape the fine arts education in Gujarat State and the C. N. College of Fine Arts became his ground for experimentation.
Student Life
The students live and work in an informal and enlightened academic atmosphere where self-reliance, self-direction and self-criticism condition their attitude to their own work in the college. This has created in the institution an atmosphere of mutual understanding among the teachers and the taught.
Presently, the Fine Arts College (Kala MahaVidyalaya) has the following courses of study.
- Diploma in Drawing and Painting: The basic skills of painting are imparted here with references to different styles of painting. Students are guided to develop their own unique style.
- Diploma in Applied (Commercial) Art: The basic aspects of design are explained here and how the knowledge can be applied in daily life is the focus in this course.
- Diploma in Sculpture: Along with the basic skills of sculpting, the traditional as well as the modern sculpting techniques are taught. Also, students are taught to work on two-dimensional and three-dimensional sculpture in this way giving them a well-rounded knowledge and skills.
All the above are post S.S.C courses of five year duration at the end of which the successful candidates are awarded the Gujarat State Government Diploma in Fine Arts.
The Arts Teachers’ Diploma (A.T.D.) Course: This is a drawing teachers’ course of two year duration. Eligibility for admission to A.T.D. course is H.S.C. with drawing as a subject at the S.S.C. level.
The curriculum gives a first and knowledge of methods and material of different art forms. The skills and techniques of handling the materials are taught in each department. The concept of art is explored throughout the syllabus. Theoretical subjects like art history, aesthetics, advertising and other subjects are included. The entire teaching programme is based on the syllabus of Sir J. J. School of Art, Mumbai, which has been a pioneer institution in the field.
Periodic lectures by renowned artists and scholars constitute a regular feature on the program. Regular art exhibitions are held by the students either in groups or individually. This adds to the on-going process of learning, self-criticism and evaluation. Every year about 350 students are enrolled in the various courses.