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Our Institutions
C. N., as it is affectionately known, is the largest vernacular medium institution in the state of Gujarat. It lays great stress on the need to foster Gujarati, the mother tongue. It offers an all-round development of students through extra-curricular support. Values are imbibed through the daily Morning Prayer Assembly; and common lectures for the entire student body underscore simplicity and transparency in all matters. Pupils wear uniforms made of hand-spun khadi and play on a sprawling campus situated in the heart of the city. Students from all its various institutions carry away the highest prizes year after year, not only in the State Education Board examinations but also in national level competitive examinations.

The hostels are the backbone of the institution; the idea being that of providing good boarding facility to rural youth who come to the city in search of better educational opportunities. Hostel life is aimed at inculcating the value of self-reliance in the students. From morning to evening, the hostelites’ schedule is chalked out which includes fitness regime, cleaning, studying, serving fellow hostelites, playing, and self-reading.
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From inculcating a spirit of inquiry to developing a scientific temper to instilling a competitive edge, our schools prepare the student for the practical world with a holistic approach to education.

Training Colleges
The Training Colleges were started with a view to providing good and trained teachers ot the society. The curriculum emphasized on Buniyadi Talim, which stressed on self-reliance and sense of service to others.

Special Institutes
The special institutes were set up with the aim of imparting specialized training and education in the fields of art, technology, computers and English language.