
Dr. Kirit Joshi
Publication Year
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Sheth C.N. Sanstha Parichay 2021 gives an information about the development journey of Vidyavihar from 2005 to 2021. This book is comprised of new dimensions and achievements of the institute, board examinations results of students and details of renowned teachers, educators, students etc.

Dr. Rajesh Sharma & Dr. Haresh Vadhel
Publication Year
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The book is a collection of articles from identified eminent authors. Each author was given freedom to express their views & experiences, researches and work on the ground. The book attempts to cover all areas on which National Education Policy 2020, has proposed its guideline. Hope the readers, government agencies, policy makers and institutions of higher education and other institutions of national importance will be benefited from this book.

Shri Bhailalbhai Shah
Publication Year
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Vidyavihar Geetmala has been reprinted in the year 2016 keeping in view the demand. This is an attempt to preserve the musical heritage of the institute which is rarely seen in the field of music. All the students of Vidyavihar have an emotional connection with this. This new anthem is available at Vidyavihar’s central office.

Publication Year
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A compilation of prayers developed for use especially for students of Teacher Training Colleges of C. N. It serves as an important source for the daily Morning Prayer for students who study at these colleges.

Edited Articles
Publication Year
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This Chhatralaya Shatabdi Ank has been published as a part of the 100th anniversary celebrations of Kumar Chhatralaya. It comprised the memories of the chhatralayaa students, Gurhmata / Gruhpati as well as the individuals associated with the hostel have been beautifully depicted.

Publication Year
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Mr. Saubhagyachandbhai Shah, an educationist, principal and skilled administrator, has been associated with education for almost 70 years. Whose educational journey started in 1951. At Vidyavihar, he has been rendering uninterrupted services from 1979 to 1987 as the Principal, from 1987 to 1997 as the Secretary & Administrative Director, from 1997 to 1999 as the Executive Director, from 1999 to 2010 as the Managing Trustee and since 2010 he has been providing his guidance as a trustee. Receiving the honor of President’s ‘Best Teacher’, this salutation book of Shri S.K. Shah includes articles written about him by friends, principals, teachers and well-wishers of Vidyavihar. This book can be called a basic book for education lovers.

Saubhagyachand K. Shah
Publication Year
Summary :
This book gives information about the development journey of Sheth C.N. Vidyavihar from its inception till 2005. This book is comprised of new dimensions and achievements of the institute, board examinations result of students and details of renowned teachers, educators, students etc.

Publication Year
1987 & 2006
Summary :
This is a collection of memoirs compiled by ‘Snehrashmi’ as a tribue to Indumatiben after her demise. It has articles written by various people who knew and/or worked with Indumatiben during her lifetime. Through words, people have paid their respects to this unique personality who selflessly nurtured and shaped the Vidyavihar institutions for many decades. (Out of print)
The second edition was printed in 2006 to celebrate the birth centenary of Indumatiben.

Shri Snehrashmi
Publication Year
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Written by Shri Snehrashmi and dedicated to Vidyavihar, this is a compilation of nine anthologies written by the well-known poet during the period 1921-84. These poems are a testimony to the poet’s great contribution to contemporary Gujarati literature through the years.

Hasmukh Shah
Publication Year
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Originally written in English by Hansa Sheth and presented as her Ph.D. thesis, this work , translated into Gujarati by Hasmukh Shah explores the social, psychological and scientific aspects of child delinquency, based on authentic case studies.

Publication Year
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A compilation of several articles written by students and faculty of various institutions of C. N. This publication was compiled to celebrate the occasion of Chimanlal Nagindas’s birth centenary. It is an authentic account of the on-campus activities of that time and carries opinion pieces written by people who were part of Vidyavihar family in some way.

Merubhai Zinzuwadia
Publication Year
1965 & 2016
Summary :
A collection of 108 melodious compositions, along with their musical notes, this is a priceless treasure for music loving students of C. N. Compiled by Bhailalbhai Shah, it contains songs and prayers sung regularly at C. N. assemblies. These prayers, composed especially for prater assemblies of Vidyavihar have become household songs in the whole of Gujarat.

Merubhai Zinzuwadia
Publication Year
Out of print