Vishist Varg - Shishuvihar
Sheth C. N. Vidyavihar espouses the Gandhian philosophy of education. Hence, it is our endeavour to guide the students and teachers in all the institutions to function within this overarching framework of thought, speech and action. Ever since its inception, the C. N. English School has promoted the idea of primary education in Gujarati medium and a lateral switch over (from Standard V onwards) to English as the medium of instruction. As part of this policy, the students of KG to Standard IV receive education in Gujarati medium. However, in view of the fact that they have to be prepared to switch over to English medium from Standard V, we expose them to English as an additional component. This is the origin of our ” Vishisht Varg “.
Dr. Rajendrasinh Jadeja, Educational Advisor
At Vishist Varg, we utilize two languages – the regional language (Gujarati), and a global language (English). As opposed to simply teaching a second language as a subject, we incorporate both English and Gujarati as the medium of instruction for students, and consider them part of the entire school curriculum.
Vishist Varg program is introduced in pre-primary and continues up to 4th std. Children can most easily acquire fluency in the second language – both in speaking, as well as reading and writing – by using their mother tongue in the learning process. Research has shown that many of the skills utilised in learning the native language can be transferred much more easily to the second language later, allowing learners to develop proficiency and literacy in both the languages faster.
Further, a bilingual classroom where the native language gets equal focus allows children to be connected to their own culture, roots and values, promoting cultural and linguistic diversity. .
The main goal of Vishist Varg is to help students transition to an English-only classroom as smoothly as possible. A Vishist Varg teacher teaches children in subjects such as Maths, Science and Environment in their regional language, so that once the transition is made to an English-only classroom, the student has the knowledge necessary to compete with his peers in all the other subject areas.
Admission process
- Admission according to the institute’s policy
- Generally, starts in the last week of November.
- The process starts with the admission form distribution, parents’ orientation and an interaction with parents and children.
- Parents are very well informed about the philosophy and teaching-learning process of Vishist Varg.
- We try to be aware of parents’ perception of raising the child, parents’ ability in helping the child in his academic work and work independence of the child.
Entrance Eligibility
3 years must be completed on or before 31st of May of the year for Nursery admission.
Key Activities

Sports Activities
It is a ritual during winter to practice light exercise sessions and outdoor games in the mornings. During the winter months, this also helps them to keep fit. The school celebrates Sports Day engaging the students in various simple games.

EPL Activities
Activities like sorting, sieving, dry pouring, wet pouring etc. are done twice a week with the children, which helps them to develop motor control, eye hand coordination and sense of responsibility. They learn to take care of themselves and the environment.

Festival Celebrations
The cultural festivals like Navratri, Diwali, Christmas, Uttarayan etc. are celebrated in the school with various songs and decorations related to the respective festivals. The National Festivals are given equal importance and celebrated by engaging children in related activities.

Nutrition Activities
Encouraging the children to eat healthy food is also taken care of by arranging different activities like making salad, salad decoration, bhel preparation etc. using different vegetables, fruits, sprouts, beans and other healthy ingredients.

Parents Workshops
Each and every child is unique and precious. Thus we need to prepare an environment wherein the child is provided with all the opportunities for his growth and all round development. Parents play a decisive role in the child’s development and hence, we at C.N. Vishist Varg arrange parents’ workshops and seminars to assist our parents in shaping the future responsible citizens of the nation.

Teacher Training
Education plays a vital role in the building of a nation and society. But it is possible in the real sense only if each and every educator is full of positive energy and is equipped with various trainings. We arrange in house teacher’s training by inviting faculties from various fields for our own upgradation.
Received a trophy during Science Exhibition on 10th August 2019
Academic Director’s message
If there is one thing that can change the world, it is education – and schools are the pillars of formal education. But over and above providing a typical formal education, we believe in experiential learning: a child learns through real-life experiences and participation so that the lesson always stays with him/her.
With the progress of science and technology, the educational needs of today are very different from those of the past, and children must be equipped with the skills required to face the challenges of the future. They can do it easily if we can make the surrounding stimulating and purposeful.
Our aim is to instil values of curiosity and empathy in our children so that they grow up to be good human beings and responsible, thoughtful citizens.
Seema Shah, Academic Director Vishisht Varg

Seema Shah – Academic Director – B.Sc. (Home Science), AMI Diploma for Primary and Elementary
Rupa Yagnik – Co-ordinator – M.Sc., M.Ed., PGDCA, CIC
Unnati Gandhi – Teacher – B.Com., Montessori Training
Dhruvi Sejpal – Teacher – D.El.Ed.
Apeksha Panchal – Teacher – B.Com.
Karuna Solanki – Teacher – Montessori training, S.Y.B.A.