Vishisht Varg Bal Vidyalaya
Message of the Academic Director
The educational policy of Bal Vishist Varg is a blend of traditional and modern values. We have the concept of Mother teacher. Value inculcation is done in students through moral stories by the teachers. The school follows the curriculum prescribed by the Gujarat State Board Education. We also revise some of the content as per the requirement of the Vishist Varg.
Parents are guided by the teachers at regular intervals regarding their child’s progress and all-round development. The school’s aim is to develop character and personality of each student through personal guidance and to make them good human beings.
Students start their day with the recitation of prayers during assembly. It also includes singing of songs, rhymes, and storytelling sessions.
Students are encouraged to bring healthy and homemade snacks to school. Teachers regularly check student’s lunch boxes to see what they have brought and whether they have finished their eatables.
To provide sound academic background, the school has well trained and highly qualified staff. From time to time teachers are given refreshers training to keep them updated with new teaching aids and to make education interesting for students. Teachers are also encouraged to attend seminars and workshops.
Seema Shah Academic Director, Bal Vidyalaya Vishisht Varg
Admission process
Sr.KG students of vishist varg are directly given admission to 1st std. Bal vishist varg.
Entrance eligibility : 6 years must be completed on or before 31st of May of present year.
Key Activities

Sports Activities
It is a ritual during winter to practice light exercise sessions and outdoor games in the mornings. During the winter months, this also helps them to keep fit. The school celebrates Sports Day engaging the students in various simple games.

Festival Celebrations
The cultural festivals like Navratri, Diwali, Christmas, Uttarayan etc. are celebrated in the school with various songs and decorations related to the respective festivals. The National Festivals are given equal importance and celebrated by engaging children in related activities.

Nutrition Activities
Encouraging the children to eat healthy food is also taken care of by arranging different activities like making salad, salad decoration, bhel preparation etc. using different vegetables, fruits, sprouts, beans and other healthy ingredients.

Subject Related Activities
Activity based on education helps students to experience and understand the concept well. Activities like plantation, model making, letter writing and posting, etc. are conducted to enhance their social skills. To encourage the students to create something, science fair is also organised where students come up with different working model of science and thus enter into amazing world of science.

Various Competitions
Children participate in various competitions like Story Telling, Rakhi Making, Drawing, Salad Decoration, Rangoli, Clay Modelling, etc. which encourages them to showcase their potential in co-scholastic activities

Field Trips
Field trips provides students the real life experience. To give them this experience field trips are arranged to Post Office, Gandhi Ashram, etc.

Parent's Workshop
Each and every child is unique and precious. Thus we need to prepare an environment wherein the child is provided with all the opportunities for his growth and all round development. Parents play a decisive role in the child’s development and hence, we at C.N. Vishist Varg arrange parents’ workshops and seminars to assist our parents in shaping the future responsible citizens of the nation.

Teacher Training
Education plays a vital role in the building of a nation and society. But it is possible in the real sense only if each and every educator is full of positive energy and is equipped with various trainings. We arrange in house teacher’s training by inviting faculties from various fields for our own upgradation.
Seema Shah – Academic Director – B.Sc. (Home Science), AMI Diploma for Primary and Elementary
Rupa Yagnik – Co-ordinator – M.Sc., M.Ed., PGDCA, CIC
Krupa Prajapati – Teacher – M.Sc., B.Ed., Montessori Training, CTET
Poornima Reddy – Teacher –, B.Ed.