
SPORTS – A Way to a Better Life

With an ever increasing number of overweight/obese kids, we need children to exercise and build healthy habits for a lifetime. SPORTS is the best way to it. Also, SPORTS participation is a great way to build relationships and social skills. Enjoying good health and learning extra-curricular skills can make children feel confident about themselves and raise their self-esteem. SPORTS offers a better alternative to hanging out at street corners or playing video games and it places children on a healthy path. Time management skills are best learned in the SPORTS arena. And best of all, with the right approach, attitude and interaction among coaches and children, SPORTS can be great fun!

The objective of the CN Sports Academy is to inculcate a SPORTS culture as well as to train students to excel at different sports. The Academy promotes both international sports as also Indian games like Gilli Danda and Nagolchu that are slowly becoming rare in modern schools.

The academy conducts regular Sports Coaching Sessions in nine sports and these coaching sessions are open to children from any school or even school going age children not in school from Ahmedabad.

It also holds promotional events and competitions, organizes and facilitates tournaments, and participates in state and national events. It also intends to shows sports films and holds talks in the near future.